First Minutes Matter online course

Welcome to First Minutes Matter

First Minutes Matter is a free trauma training program utilising LifeFlight's decades of aeromedical experience. Every day, LifeFlight crews arrive at critical incidents where the first minutes matter.

This self-paced, online program will equip you with practical skills for time-critical medical situations while professional help is on the way. What you'll learn could save a life or improve patient outcomes.

The program should only take a few hours of your time. However, if you do not complete the course in 10 weeks, you will need to re-register and start again.

On completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Participation (CoP). You will not receive a Certification of Accreditation. For accredited medical training qualifications, we recommend organisations registered by ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) to deliver VET (Vocational Education Training) services. LifeFlight delivers this community education program and CoP without any relation to an Registered Training Organisation.

Please watch the video below to get started.